One day I found about website called SpaceHey, which is a MySpace revival. I added some people and started exploring this social network, then I found the bulletin post about youtube alternatives. One of the comments told about subrocks (sadly, I cant check who posted that comment :P ). I got curious and decided to make an account there. I uploaded 2 half-life memes (cuz why not xd) and started watching other videos. One of them was from Zaiaz, which was a Gmod machinima called "Zaiaz has a bad day" or something like that. I dont really know what was in that video, that made me try to make my own machinima, but I want to express my biggest gratitude to Zaiaz, because otherwise I wouldnt be telling you all of that. So, my first machinima "Blu team is afk" has been published and got some views. Then I made "Heavy and the mysterious gift" video that got featured on subrocks. That made me very proud of myself and I started to make more and more videos, yet it was getting more and more tedious with each video. I planned to take a break after making a christmas special, but sadly my plans have been changed due of the subrocks shutdown. Now, I am trying to make content for yall on wevidi. Welp, I think thats all. I hope that my work was entertaining or maybe even inspiring for my viewers. - Anthony